Week19: 6/12/23
day | activity | assignment |
mon |
Objective: I can identify
some ways people fall victim to security risks
(part 2) Final project time |
tues |
Texting Tuesday
v1, exceeds
1 Final project time |
wed |
Puzzle time Final project time |
thurs |
Tomorrow Final project time |
fri |
Projects voting |
Week18: 6/5/23
day | activity | assignment |
mon |
Final project time |
tues |
Objective: I can identify
some ways people fall vicitim to security risks Security Risks: (groupings) Final project time |
wed |
Objective: I can identify
some ways people fall vicitim to security risks
(part 2) Security Risks: (groupings) Final project time |
thurs | graduation - no class | |
fri |
GameOn.World Rubric for Final Project |
Week18: 5/30/23
day | activity | assignment |
mon | memorial day | |
tues |
TextingTuesday Meets
3,4 Final Project slideshow, note sheet side note Maine App Challenge Seniors 1.5 days |
wed |
early-early Video about face recognition Final Project Time |
thurs |
Puzzle time Texting Thursday meets 1,2 Exceeds 3,finish 4 Final Project Check In Tetris basics |
fri |
GameOn.World Future friday Final Project Check In |
Week17: 5/22/23
day | activity | assignment |
mon |
I can use random to create a game Sphero - Rock/Paper/Scissors Exceeds: Send a message to each other and determine win/lose/tie and have that spoken.. Objective: I can use text statements Khan Academy: Text (if finished early, do functions) |
tues |
Typing Tuesday
warmup (login first) Text Coding: meets: 1,2 exceeds: 3.25,3.5,4 Objective: I can explain what a function is and write it 2 ways function notes Khan Academy: functions |
Exceeds tonight: Do 3 more from AP |
wed |
I can use variables in SpheroLand video Sphero - Fibonacci Sequence -> Exceeds: it changes a random colors each time it has a new side of the sequence, it shows the sum of the fib sequence on the leds. Objective: I can use if statements in a text program KKhan Academy: logic statements (due Friday) |
thurs |
TopGun Sphero -Jurassic Code: Spheroraptor Escape Khan Academy: logic statements (due Friday)Extra Khan1,2 |
fri |
Finish Khan BattleBots -> Chariots of Power |
Week16: 5/15/23
day | activity | assignment |
mon |
Demo warmup (example1,2) New seats/phone hotel ? Recap nnotes Do Lesson2,3 |
tues |
Khan Academy -
Variables Download Sphero Edu App or here Sphero Activities
wed |
Khan Academy -
Variables MoonShot |
Finish Khan Academy - Variables |
thurs |
Objective: I undsertand what Infrared
Communication does. Infrared Khan Academy - Animation Knock-Knock |
Finish Khan Academy - Animation |
fri |
Flappy Contest: SB ND AE DH DL WM MN ER(vote as ms) BO Vote Here Khan Academy - Mouse Interaction (documentation) Sphero-Bowling |
Khan Academy -
Mouse Interaction Exceeds |
Week15: 5/8/23
day | activity | assignment |
mon |
Objective: I know what
metadata is
Finish Flappy Bird |
Gamelab assignments -finish? G5 - Flappy Bird |
tues |
Puzzle Text Coding 1 Exceeds 2, 3 Finish Flappy Bird Flappy Notes |
wed |
2 Finish Flappy Bird Flappy Notes |
Flappy Bird requirements:
thurs |
Submit flappy project puzzle Objective: I can understand basic ideas of encryption/decryption Lesson- Data Encryption (video) Notes Code encryption Activity Lego time
fri |
Objective: I can understand basic
ideas of encryption/decryption Lesson- Data Encryption (video) Notes Code encryption Activity lego (code example) or turtle time |
Week14: 5/8/23
day | activity | assignment |
mon |
Objective: I know what
metadata is
Finish Flappy Bird |
Gamelab assignments -finish? G5 - Flappy Bird |
tues |
Puzzle Text Coding 1 Exceeds 2, 3 Finish Flappy Bird Flappy Notes |
wed |
2 Finish Flappy Bird Flappy Notes |
Flappy Bird requirements:
thurs |
Submit flappy project puzzle Objective: I can understand basic ideas of encryption/decryption Lesson- Data Encryption (video) Notes Code encryption Activity Lego time
fri |
Objective: I can understand basic
ideas of encryption/decryption Lesson- Data Encryption (video) Notes Code encryption Activity lego (code example) or turtle time |
Week13: 5/1/23
day | activity | assignment |
mon |
Objective:I know what an API
call is and how helpful they are Warmup - error detection (worksheet) API calls video List of APIs More APIs together - starter code
(starter code / notes) |
App Lab Assignments (start 6-1) |
tues |
Text Programming Tuesday FreeCodeCamp Work on Movie App Together (starter code)- A movie poster starts with: https://image.tmdb.org/t/p/original/, like: https://image.tmdb.org/t/p/original/pFlaoHTZeyNkG83vxsAJiGzfSsa.jpg notes on project |
App Lab Assignments (finish? 6-1) |
wed |
Objective: I can define data
and understand the value of different representations
of data Lesson1- Data groupings notes (picture group) Project time - finish and work on missing work. |
App Lab Assignments (finish 6-1) |
thurs |
Text Coding
3,4 Objective: I can make a side scrolling platform game Flappy Bird (questions) Day1 - Get background moving, maybe bird falling |
Gamelab assignments -G5 - Flappy Bird |
fri |
Future friday
Week12: 4/24/23
day | activity | assignment |
mon |
subday -
Code.org while loops - I will see completion - it
will be marked Exceeds: do 3 from AP section FINISH FROGGER - Tomorrow we go over that. |
tues |
Welcome Back Objective:I understand databases and CRUD CRUD on Tables (Example) |
App Lab Assignments (start 5-2) |
wed |
Kahoot Objective:I can create a new entry in the database More work on Example Tutorial is here |
App Lab Assignments (start 5-2) |
thurs |
New seats for some Text coding Thursday warmup 1,2 exceeds 1,2 Example - avg hours/most hours Finish 5-2 |
fri |
Frogger competition Lego day Grabber build instructions 1,2,3 -> No Code - you figure it out. code here or Text coding 1,2<2,3 exceeds 1,2 |
Week11: 4/10/23p>
day | activity | assignment |
mon |
sat Intro ticket Groups example together More time for Frogger |
Gamelab assignments -G4 - Frogger |
tues |
logs More time for Frogger |
Gamelab assignments -G4 - Frogger |
wed |
puzzle | Gamelab assignments -finish G4 - Frogger |
thurs | Gamelab assignments -finish G4 - Frogger | Gamelab assignments -finish G4 - Frogger |
fri | no school |
Week10: 4/3/23
day | activity | assignment |
mon |
solving Notes on objects Kahoot Students together [here is data] 5-1 Basketball Time |
App Lab Assignments (work on 5-1) |
tues |
Typing Tuesday -
warmup (login first) Objective: I can use for loops to go through arrays of objects Worksheet 5-1 Tutorial Getting Started (data) |
App Lab Assignments (work on 5-1 - due ) |
wed |
Puzzle -
coins Notes - Internet Dilemma - Day 1 ( WORKSHEET) net neutrality,internet censorship, digital divide Students together [here is data] (students above 95) Finish NBA |
Finish App Lab Assignments (work on 5-1 - due ) |
thurs |
coin puzzles Internet Dilemma - Day 2 Finish NBA (20 minutes) exceeds: includes command Frogger - use group in GameLAB |
Gamelab assignments -start G4 - Frogger |
fri |
Intro ticket Internet Dilemma - Day 3 - and submit in Google Classroom Frogger - more on groups Groups example together |
Week9: 3/27/23/p>
day | activity | assignment |
mon |
kahoot on for loops Objective: I can use lists to store data good video Lists notes starter code for basketball score Exit ticket |
App Lab Assignments start 4-3 Random Name Generator |
tues |
Lists -
day2again- Nearpod worksheet - day2 adding average to starter code for basketball score notes for 4-3 |
wed |
Lists -
day3 Text Coding (Meets 1/2/3 see section - Exceeds - finish Lists-Loops) notes for 4-3 |
App Lab Assignments finish 4-3 Random Name Generator |
thurs |
Typing Thursday -
warmup (login first) CSP DNS notes (lesson) activity My ip address Text Coding2 (Meets 1/2 see section - Exceeds do 6 from Array2 |
fri |
Lego day Spike Prime APP - Driving Base (with grabber)
Alternate assignment: Text Coding - you must do 1,2,3,4
Week8: 3/20/23
day | activity | assignment |
mon |
Loops (for exceeds do
nested loops
instead) Objective: I can understand the importance of repetition statements (loops) Loops - notes worksheet 4-2 starter |
App Lab Assignments start 4-2 Fun Loops |
tues |
I can write loops to find totals of lots of
numbers Loops video Fun Loops Game Text coding Tuesday 1,2. Exceeds 3,4,5 Finish 4-2 |
App Lab Assignments finish 4-2 Fun Loops |
wed |
kahoot on for loops Objective: I understand how packets are transmitted across the internet Packets - Packet Simulator Start pong -notes |
Gamelab assignments -start G3- Pong |
thurs |
Typing Thursday -
warmup (login first) Pong topics:notes
Gamelab assignments -finish G3- Pong |
fri |
Puzzle Finish Pong - notes Legos (alternative 1,2,3) Spike Prime APP - Driving Base
Week7: 3/13/23
day | activity | assignment |
mon |
welcome back - MadLibs
(using autocrat) Strings - practice problems starter code for some String stuff |
App Lab Assignments start 4-1 |
tues | snow day | |
wed |
impact -self
driving car dilemma String kahoot Strings - practice problems notes on doing 4-1 email creator |
App Lab Assignments finish and
submit 4-1 |
thurs |
Typing Thursday -
warmup (login first) String function together, 1,2,exceeds 3,4,5 GameLab: (example)
Gamelab assignments -start G2 |
fri |
GameOn Friday slideshow work on G2-Notes If done early - improve Lego Hopper Exceeds: Text Coding Do 5 from String-1 |
Gamelab assignments -finish G2 |
Week6: 3/6/23
day | activity | assignment |
mon |
Gamelab Presentation Random examples Quick demo Video on Sprite Lesson on sprites GameLab |
Gamelab assignments -start G1 |
tues |
warmup text meets1, meets2, exceeds, harder exceeds (example for exceeds) Objective - I can handle user input (through the keyboard) in my applications Keyboard Input (example) Quick demo G1- Space Invaders |
Gamelab assignments -finish and submit G1 |
wed |
Objective: I understand functions and
can write my own Songs (worksheet) Notes Functions Together - intro to Applab 3-2
App Lab Assignments Start 3-2 |
thurs |
Typing Thursday -
warmup (login first) Warmup: Edit the function drawSmiley so that it will draw a smiley face use these tools Objective: I understand functions and can write my own Recap of functions Kahoot Functions together - starter code |
App Lab Assignments Finish 3-2 |
fri |
Warmup- Meets
2: Exceeds
1,2 Lego Friday |
Week5: 2/27/23>
day | activity | assignment |
mon |
welcome back - Handshake problem AI: eminem cats Objective: I understand timing to make things happen at intervals in a program Start 3-1
App Lab Assignments Start 3-1 |
tues | snow day | |
wed |
Objective: I understand the advantages of different
network types Warmup: worksheet (ascii table) notes lesson 1/2 groupings More on 3-1
App Lab Assignments Finish 3-1 |
thurs |
Typing Thursday -
warmup (login first) notes lesson 1/3 groupings Internet simulator (v2) (If you are not in Google Classroom (join code is : 5hnfw3q) worksheet Text Coding: Meets 1/2/3, Exceeds 1,2 - Super Exceeds |
fri |
Objective: I can describe the purpose of redundancy in routing. SQL Certificate
Finish 1-3 on SQL Certificate |
Week4: 2/13/23
day | activity | assignment |
mon |
Puzzle Kahoot BMI Video Work on 2-2 (Formula, levels) video about screens (helpful for 2-2 extra) |
App Lab Assignments Start 2-2 |
tues |
Objective: I understand lossless and losey
compression notes Activity 1, 2 Finish 2-2 BMI (notes) |
wed |
ChatGPT - start @2 minutes Objective: I can create a webpage in html using basic tags Webpages
Do and submit Website 1st Version The website needs to have real content and a message. For a 3: you need to have 3 different tags For a 4: do 3 more different tags(for 4, you need an image) |
thurs |
Search wars 3:30 or
video Objective: I can use CSS to style a webpage. notes Activity 2 An example Most common properties Advanced - add div tags |
Submit Website 1 / with CSS |
fri |
Bing Chat Kahoot review on text coding Text Coding p0, p1,p2,p3 Exceeds(try Logic 1) (others) Finish Lego - see last week |
Week3: 2/6/23
day | activity | assignment |
mon |
Objective 1: I understand
how numbers could transmit text Warmup Activity notes Objective 2: More practice with variables (including outputing them) and if/else statements Starter code: 1-4 For those who need more help on projects here are notes for 1-2 and 1-3 and 1-4 |
App Lab Assignments Finish and Submit 1-4 |
tues |
Typing Tuesday -
warmup (login first, then do Getting
Started) If you are not in Google Classroom (join code is : 5hnfw3q) Objective: I understand how numbers could transmit BW images notes binary picture Warmup Activity Text coding Website |
Make up any missed work. |
wed |
Real World Programming - OrangePasses Warmup text coding meets/exceeds (extra) Practice variables together Start 2-1 |
App Lab Assignments 2-1 |
thurs |
Objective: I understand how
numbers could transmit color images Pixeled image Binary picture activity Kahoot Finish 2-1 (Notes 2-1) |
fri |
Notes 2-1 Spike Prime APP (cool videos, 2) Tutorial - click get started Kiki the dog
Week2: 1/30/23
day | activity | assignment |
mon |
(1-2- information) Random Colors (rgb intro (up to 2:30), rgb slider) Add random color: Submit project Beta test - ReachMyTeach development |
App Lab Assignments Finish 1-1, start 1-2? |
tues |
Typing Tuesday (signup,
3 minute test) put results in Google
Classroom (if you have not joined, code is :
5hnfw3q Objective: I understand conditionals (if/else statements) Applab:
student doing good/badly |
typing lessons - do 15 minutes worth App Lab Assignments 1-2 |
wed |
Kahoot notes (1-3- triangle/circles) worksheet Applab: |
App Lab Assignments 1-2 - Finish and Submit |
thurs |
Objective 1: I understand
the binary system Intro Activity notes Binary (worksheet/flippy do) Objective 2: I understand how variables can be useful in computer programming Kahoot Together Learning Center today (IBEC Creative) |
App Lab Assignments Start 1-3 |
fri |
new seats Binary day 2 (video), worksheet hexidecimal, binary point Finish Applab 1-3 |
App Lab Assignments Finish 1-3 |
Week1: 1/23/23
day | activity | assignment |
wed |
intro day | |
thurs |
Students learn to design and evaluate solutions and to apply computer science to solve problems through the development of algorithms and programs. Lego Activity
intro to
applab |
Join google classroom (code: 5hnfw3q) and do survey
App Lab Assignments |
fri |
ice breakers Revisit Lego Activity (plate) notes on applab Back to Applab together |
App Lab Assignments - finish 1-1 (we will talk about submitting next week) |