Create an app with 2 buttons. The buttons when clicked will
change the background of the screen red or green.
Exceeds (do 3 of 4 for a 4):
Have one of the buttons move to a random location when
Have a new button that will change it to a random color
Add a button that will change the color red-green but just
w/ one button
Have the button color be the next color that the screen will
1-2 Bigger
Create an app as shown above. The thumbs up (an image in the
library) with the label will be under the bigger number. The
thumb is not shown until the button is pressed.
Have a thumbs down next to the lower number
If it is a tie, have some image that represents that.
Get rid of the button and if the numbers change, the button
is shown.
1-3 Simple Calculation
Create an app where there is 2 labels, 1 textfield and a button.
The idea is a user will put their age and you will calculate how many
years older I am then you. For basic version - assume I am older
than you (Im 44). You need to have at least 1 variable.
Have it allow older or younger people.
Have it say one of three jokes (randomly) afterwards (IE,
Mr. Borland is older than dirt).
Have a slider to allow user input.
1-4 Pay Calculator
If you want, start with this starter
app. I want everyone more practice with varaibles, if/else
if /else statements, and displaying info. Advanced people, try showing
text to see it there. You need to create a new variable for
totalPay, which is age times hours. Then display one of 2
message. If they made more than $200 say some message (like "Big
Time"), if less than
$200 say a dfferent one ("Work More"). Always say how much money it is with dollar
sign as I showed. Try doing everything in the CODE EDITOR.
Have one of 3 messages (if they make more than $500 could be
Have it reduce pay by 15%, the tax rate and display that
Have a new screen that shows total pay, taxed taken out and
then final paycheck, with the comment.
2-1 Tip Calculator
Notice, the image shown is for advanced, the basic version uses .20
for the tip rate. Create an app that looks like the left (but basic
version does not need tip rate). The idea is a user will put in
their meal price and the app will calculate the tip and total amount.
have it be a dropdown for 10%, 15% and 20% tip rates
Have it round to the nearest dollar for tip
Another option to split the bill, so many ways (ie if there
are 4 people, each person puts in ___ ), maybe this appears on
another screen
2-2 BMI Calculator (Body Mass Index)
Create a bmi calculator (see here for
that will take in height and weight and find the BMI (Body Mass
Index). This is a level of how underweight or overweight
someone is. Here is the table of
Have it say Your BMI is ___, you are normal weight (or
overweight or whatever)
Exceeds (1 extra->3.25, 2 extras, 3.5, do
3 of 4 for 4)
You will have 4 screens. One for the
input, one for underweight, healthy weight, overweight (so if bmi is
25+). The screens (video how to do
multiple screens) for underweight, healthy weight,
overweight will say their BMI and what they should do (eat more,
eat less)
have pictures for each
Have sliders for the inputs
Have picture change as they change weight, height
Something else
3-1 Click Me Game
Create a game where there is a button on the screen that every .5
seconds will move to a new random location. The object of the
game is to see how many times you can hit it. Your score (how
many times you hit it) will appear at the bottom of the screen.
After it moves 10 times, the game is over.
have a high score
something else of your choosing
3-2 Car Scene
Create an app that has 3 cars that move across as above. When
the car gets to one side, it will reappear back on left side and go
Find an image of a car online and put three of them in your
For just one, see if you can get the car moving to the
right. See video.
Now if its goes of the screen, have it appear again on left
side. See video.
Now make a function and call that function for each car.
See video.
have cars travel at different speeds
have your function have another parameter where they can
either screen wrap, or go back and forth
super exceeds- make simple crossy road out of it
3-3 Phone Explosion (DO 3-2 or 3-3) SO THIS IS OPTIONAL
Create a game where it looks like above. An image of a bomb
or something with a text input on it. There will be a button
below. The idea of the game is the user will have 10 seconds to
guess the password. At the bottom there will be a timer showing
how much time left. Setup the design then:
You will need two variables at the top,
one called luckyNumber that is a random number (between
1000 and 9999)
one called timeLeft that starts at 10.
add a timer, so every second, the time left goes down by one
and that info is shown at the bottom of the screen ("You have 9
seconds remaining") [video
on timer]
when they click the button to guess, tell them if they are
higher or lower than your lucky neighbor. If they get it,
have it do something special, maybe:
have the timer say - You did it (try to make it have the
timer turn off)
have a new screen that says - You saved your phone -
If they fail to get it right, the bomb goes off, figure out
what that means.
3-4 Function Machine (Optional)
You are going to create a machine that will take in three inputs and do one of multiple functions on it.
The functions you are to create:
Minimum - which will take 3 inputs, and return the minimum of those three inputs
InOrder - which will take in 3 input and return true (if they are in order from least to greatest, or greatest to least) or return false (if not)
Average - which will take in 3 inputs and return their average
NumTeens - which will take in 3 inputs and return how many are teens.
Exceeds: 4 - Do the quadratic one,
where it will output one of the quadratics
4-1 Email Account Creator
Create an app that will be used to create a portland schools email account. It will take in the first and last name of the user as shown and then when the button is clicked, create the email account, which is the first five of their last name and the first letter of their first name.
You will need to use .substring (under variables) two times.
notes on steps here.
For exceeds do two of the following:
make all letters lower case
if the last name is shorter than 5 characters, take the
whole last name and as many letters from first as needed so
email is 6 letters long
make sure the new account does not have bad words in it
(so if the teachers name is Sarah Fatas, it would just show
error. (just look for a couple of curses)
Make a function createEmail(fname,lname) that will
return the email created.
4-2a Drawing Time
Play with canvas to create the smiley face above. Use this
You need to have 3 different shapes and 3 different colors.
draw a smile like > instead of a straight line
button that clears the screen
have a button that draws it
have a way to change your face from happy > to <
Use our notes for part 1 (red dots)
For randomDots:
in your for loop
create 3 vars (x, and y and radius)
set them randomly to values
then draw circles
4-2 Loop Fun
Create an app (this is
starter), that will do these 2 things. First draw 8 dots next to
each other. Then in random dots, draw 100 different sized dots all
over the screen.
have random colors for the random dots
get it so the 8 dots perfectly fit the canvas
have a clear button
do the challenge - the box on the right->that will
involve starting from the center and moving forward
(x amount which will go up each time), then turn right.ap
Use our notes for part 1 (red dots)
For randomDots:
in your for loop
create 3 vars (x, and y and radius)
set them randomly to values
then draw circles
4-3 Random Name Picker
Create an app that will have a list of names (originally with three
names). Have the ability to add to the list. Then when they click get
random name, it will choose one randomly from the list.
each time they put a name in and hit add ->
adds to your list (use append)
update what shows in
the text area (use setText)
to get a random name
first create a variable maybe called randomIndex that
will be random from 0 to length of your list -1 (think
about it)
then you can get what is there by saying var
name = list[randomIndex]
now put it in your output spot.
if they hit randomName, it will ALWAYS be different from the
last one
have a textfield where it will show how many letters
all the names have in total
have a new button to find random initials
it will get the first letter of each name and put it
in the random name location (so if names were
Hagen,Tannor,Nusra, it would say HTN
have the ability to remove a name from the list, real
You will need to have a new text field taking in a
name and a button
When that button is pressed
you will look through the list (using a for
if the list[i] == the name they put
remove that index (i)
super challenge - when it displays the names - they will
be in order
5-1 NBA Player Stats
Create an app (this is
- YOU WILL NEED THIS DATA in data table
video how to start), that will find some interesting stats. All
the data in the list is from 2022-2023 season up to 4/3. It lists 600
players (600 players are currently on the roster in the NBA). This is a for loop activity
The list allPlayers is filled with Players. Players is a type I
created below that has all of the following
allPlayers[0] or allPlayers[345] is a Player
allPlayers[i] is a Player too
allPlayers[i].name is the name of that player
allPlayers[i].team is the team of that player, and so on.
You need to do these four events (you will use a for loop going
through every id)
all points -> if clicked, add up all the points score
and have that appear
avg of all -> if clicked, find the avg points scored
per player in the NBA and have that appear
top players -> if clicked, have it spit out the names
all players that have scored more than 20 ppg
best player points -> if clicked, spit out the name
of the player with most ppg (you need to do a for loop)
do the celtics and top2
another exceeds: create a new button that if they hit
top player, it will find the top player on each team! You
will probably need three lists, one for team, one for
topPlayer on the team and another for topPPG per team. This
is a serious challenge.
Create an app that will allow a runner to track their times. Their
times will stay no matter if they turn off the app and restart it.
Tutorial is
here. When it starts or when new times are entered it will say
the average.
For exceeds (do 3 of 4)
find best
add new column for somethign else and let them put
that in as well (have it be a pulldown with 2 options)
In the output, list the outputs seperated by race
distance, like below:
sorting the times from best to worst (challenging!)
Create a weather app. So many apps make calls to other websites to get
information (like stock quotes, or map information, or music). We are
going to use OpenWeather, a website that gives us info about weather
forecasts. You will have 2 screens, one that has a pulldown on a
number of cities (you choose), and when they select a city, it will
return information about the weather in that city like above.
you must have current temp/description/winds/high/low
(not icon)
For exceeds do three of the following:
add city codes (go to and search for your city and
click it, at the url level, you will see a code. That you
will add to your findCityCode function