Create a game with a sprite for the background (I used space) and a spaceship (vehicle). Have the ship move up (give it a velocityY of ___ ). If it gets to the top of the screen, have it appear at the bottom again. If they hit the space bar down, have it rotate around and go in the opposite direction (again if it gets off the screen, have it appear at the top) Photo link
I want a ball to bounce around the screen. If it hits the paddle, have the ball bounce. Notes
Create pong the classic tennis like game where a ball will bounce off the top and bottom walls. The paddles move up and down trying to hit the ball. If they hit ball, it bounces, if the ball goes past, the other player gets a point. In our version of pong, the left player is controlled by w/s and right by up/down keys. Do not allow paddle to go off screen.
Make frogger the most basic will have a character at the bottom of the screen. There will be at least 6 moving obstacles as shown with differing speeds. Some cars will move to the left, others to the right. When they get off the screen they will appear on the other side. The character will need to get past all of them and reach the other side. When she does, the score goes up by one, the cars move a bit faster.
From Nora: Be creative - it doesnt have to look ANYTHING like this. Make it fun, exceeds credit for making it fun/different.
From Cody: Competition: We will play each other's games on Thursday before break and vote- whoever has best game play, best visuals, most impressive get exceeds credit.
Time for the wonderfully addictive flappy bird. Im sure you are familiar with Flappy Bird, but the idea is to keep the bird flying through obstacles (just pipes) that come quicker and quicker. The bird falls slowly, until you hit the screen (or in our case, space bar), in which case the bird flies up. This is a scrolling game in which the background and pipes move, but the bird stays in the same spot on your screen. The starter code has all the images and basic setup, but no code. That's your job.
For exceeds:
For those that want - during our last days, you can create your own project.
You could do this in AppLab, GameLab or Legos. This is a lot of time,
so it would need to be impressive. I can help out plenty to get you
going or if you are stuck.
examples from above: Tictactoe, Mario, Snake, World's Hardest Game.
I will get started on world's hardest game together.