Tic Tac Toe
Block 1 code (our board looks like this).
Block 4 code
Board group:
- check game status (setup the board differently each time)
- calling makeXMove (call with coordinates)
- Running the TicTacToe applet. It will allow you to draw your board (experiment with different xo combinations).
AI Group:
- Create a new method called Tester that will
- Have a Board and initialize it. (in Board (or AI), set the board up differently for different outcomes)
- Call board.printBoard()
- Call your move method
- Call board.printBoard() [to see effect of the move method]
TicTacToe Group:
- You will need to write some methods for Board and AI to get it to work
- In AI, write a method that will randomly place an O anywhere on the board
- In Board
write the following
- gamestatus -> so if the board is full returns win or loss or tie randomly, if not full returns unfinished
- drawBoard -> use drawString to quickly draw a simply board (grid not necessary)
- makeXMove -> so that it places an x randomly.
Rubric 10 points
Each section will get 8 points individually and then 2 points as a group with the game together. (2 points games works perfectly, all pieces mesh properly)
Tic Tac Toe (8 points)
- random start (1 point)
- flow of game (6 points)
- draws Board each time (1 point)
- tells whos turn (1 point)
- switches between user and comp properly (1point)
- checks game status each time (1 point)
- stops game and resets if game over (1 point)
- deals w/ invalid moves correctly (1point)
- score updates correctly (1 point)
- code clear and indented and names properly (1 point)
- code commented - each section clearly labelled as its purpose - (1 point)
AI class (8 points)
- makes 1 move when called (2 points)
- check for win, then block, then progression, then random (4 point)
- code clear and indented and names properly (1 point)
- code commented - each section clearly labelled as its purpose - (1 point)
Board Class (8 points)
- draws Board nicely - looks good (2 points)
- game status returned correctly (2 points)
- makeXMove (2 points)
- code clear and indented and names properly (1 point)
- code commented - each section clearly labelled as its purpose - (1 point)