//To find square root of 16
//To find square of 4
//To go through a word getting each letter
for (int i=0;i<word.length();i++)
HWJ8_Methods - each worth 1 point Do 5 of 7
Assignment: (in each method when I say take in;
that means as a parameter - DO NOT USE THE SCANNER class)
Create a method that will be as follows:
1. Create a method called convertToMiles that takes in kilometers
as a double and returns the miles as a double
2.Create a method called numOfVowels that takes in a String and
returns the number of vowels in the word. Here
you will find methods for strings.
3. Create a method called makeWheelOfForturne
that will take in a String and replace all the vowels with '_'.
It will then return that new word.
4. Create a method called findMiddleLetter that
will take in a String and return the letter in the middle. If the
string has an even number of letters take the letter that comes
first of the middle; ie pear would give e, and apple would give
5. Create a method called isLeapYear that will
take in a year, and return true if it is a leap year, false otherwise.
(The rules for leapYear are not as obvious as you thought. See here
6. Create a method called findDiagonal that will
take in the width and height of television and it will return the
diagonal. So 15,20, would return 25.
7. Create a method called ageInDays that will
take in 4 arguments - your birth year, the number of your birth
month (ie march is 3), number of day you were born. Find the number
of days from then until today (November 4,2009)
* you wont have to worry about leap years and lets just make a month
30 days
* this method will return the number of days since you were born
* for extra credit take in to account the leap years and different
amount of days in a month. Use the methods you wrote in 5 and 6.
Extra Credit:
1. Look at this page.
Create a method getHour() that will return the current hour in military
time (ie 2pm would return 14) as an int.
2.Look at this page.
Create a method getMin() that will return the current minute as
an int.
3. Create a method ageInSeconds that will 4 arguments - your birth
year, the number of your birth month (ie march is 3), number of
day you were born. Find the number of seconds until now: Use 10:00
today if you want.