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Array HW16 -


All of these will be made in application (the shell of which is below). The idea is that these are methods that are not called automatically, but when a user selects them in blueJ, or when they are called by another class. The methods are described below:

Starter code:

 * Description - HWJ16 - To practice with int and string arrays
 * Author:
 * Date:
public class HWJ16_MoreArray
    int nums[]={5,3,4,-8,15,-5,11,1,0,3};
    String fruits[] = {"cherry", "banana", "apple", "apricot"};

     * Adds X to each
    public void addToEach(int x)
        //enter your code here

     * Prints values in num
    public void printNums()
        //enter your code here

     * finds the minimum value and returns it
    public int findMin()
        //enter your code here
        return 0;
     * finds the average value and returns it
    public double findAvg()
        //enter your code here
        return 0;

     * finds how many numbers are negative and returns it
    public int findNumOfNegs()
        //enter your code here
        return 0;

     * converts the array to all positive numbers
    public void convertToPos()
        //enter your code here

     * looks for x and if it is in the array returns true, else false
    public boolean contains(int x)
        return false;

     * Prints all fruit
    public void printFruit()
        //enter your code here

     * Returns total number of letters in all fruit
    public int totalLetters()
        //enter your code here.
        return 0;

     * Advance Sorts the array, look at:
    public void ADV_sortNums()
        //enter your code here

     * Advanced - Finds the median [the number in the middle when sorted].
    public double ADV_findMedian()
        //enter your code here
        return 0;

     * Super advanced - updated the array so it holds another element.  The trick to this is create a new array one 
     * size longer and put in the old values and the additional one, then replace nums with that one (say nums=newNums)
    public void SUPER_addElementToNums(int numToAdd)
        //enter your code here

     * Advanced - Abbreviates each fruit to only 4 letters
    public void abbreviateList()
        //enter your code here

    * Advanced - Prints out all fruit that start with the letter firstLetter
    public void printSome(char firstLetter)
     * Advanced - Prints the fruit but capitalized use the String method .toUpperCase()
    public void printCapitalizedFruit()
        //enter your code here

     * Advanced - finds the fruit with the longest name and returns it
    public String ADV_findLongestFruit()
        return "";

     * [advanced]Have it say which word comes first alphabetically (use compareTo) [hard)
    public String ADV_findFirstFruit()
        return "";

     * [advanced]Have it print out each word with every other letter capitalized. Like BaNaNa
     Hard show me you tried
    public void SUPER_funnyCap()


     * Advanced - Have it return all values that are greater than x
    public int[] findBigValues(int x)
       return null;
