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We are going to make a modified blackjack in which the person will start with $1000. They can make a bet and then play a modified version of blackjack against an imaginary dealer. They will either win or lose (no ties) and then the cycle will repeat, until either the user has no money, or they exit the program.

The modified version of blackjack will include being dealt 2 cards, then given an option of staying or hitting. Staying means they receive no more cards, hitting means getting another card. They want to get as close to a total of 21 without going over. If they go over, they automatically lose.

Point values are:

  • cards 2-10 are worth 2-10 points
  • cards 1 (Ace) is worth 11 points
  • cards 11-13 (Jack,Queen,King) are worth 10 points.

If they stay and are less than or equal to 21. The dealer shows his total which will be a random value:

  • 40% -> Bust 40% of the time. (They automatically lose)
  • 12.5 each -> 17-21

Start all of this in a class called BlackJack

We need a whole bunch of methods