- Create the Location class (we called it Space). This is the class that will be sent back and forth. It will have:
- IT NEEDS TO implement Serializable //and have import java.io.*;
- r,c (for the row, col)
- Create the Ship class. This class will have: (I didnt include type and position-which might be useful if you draw the images of boats)
- int size, boolean horizonta, int id
- Constructor will set all of those (ie public Ship (int s,boolean h, int theID) )l
- Create the Board class
- IT NEEDS TO implement Serializable //and have import java.io.*;
- int grid[][] 10*10 where :
value |
item |
0 |
blank |
1,2,3... |
the ship id of alive parts of ship |
-1,-2,-3... |
the ship id of dead parts of ship |
-99 |
misses (just a random number away from id of ships |
- int width ->how large you want the boxes in your grid drawn maybe make it 50 originally?
- int offsetX, offsetY -> this is how the corner of where the board will be drawn. Because there will be two boards drawn this is used so they are in unique places.
- public Board(int offX,int offY) ->the constructor will set those offsets when the board is created.
- Methods:
- public void drawBoard(Graphics g, boolean showShips) //someone suggests this to draw the ships or not)
- you will print out every square with width (you will also be using offsetX,offsetY) and the appropriate color [if showShips is true, you will be drawing the ship, otherwise it would be hit [if -1,-2,...] or blank (1,2,3]
- public Location convertToGrid(int x,int y)
- this will translate the x and y into a Location using offsetX, offsetY and width
- it will return null if off the grid
- public boolean validPlacement (Ship ship,Location p)
- it will return true if the placement of the ship is valid (being valid means all spots are in the grid and open). To do this:
- for every spot of the ship
- if the ship is horizontal look at every spot horizontally making sure its in the grid and open (meaning the spot is blank)
- if the ship is vertical look at every spot horizontally making sure its in the grid and open (meaning the spot is blank)
- public boolean setShip(Ship ship, int x, int y) //just called during setup of game
- this will convert x,y to a location (using above)
- if that location is valid, check to see if the placement is valid (using above)
- if that is the case, for every spot of the ship, set the grid to the id of the ship.
- public String dropBomb (Location bomb) //we wont need gameStatus because the only time a game will be over is with this method which is called by each client every time.
- this will determine if the bomb has hit one of the ships
- it will return:
code |
"invalid" |
this would happen if the location is null or grid has a bomb there already |
"miss" |
"hit" |
"sunk" |
if the entire ship has been hit |
"over" |
if all ships have been hit |
- have if statements that check all of above.
- you might want helper methods to check to see if the entire ship has been hit like:
- public boolean anyOtherShip(int ship)
- this will take in the id of the ship that was hit and check to see if it still exists in the grid
- public boolean anyOtherShips()
- this will search the entire grid looking for alive parts [note they are all positive]
- Create the Battleship class [ public class Battleship extends WatcherFrame implements MouseListener, KeyListener //you will need all the necessary imports and have the network folder from before.
- int currentShip=0 which will keep track of which ship you are currently placing
- Ship[] fleet=new Ship[5?];
- Board userBoard =new Board (with whatever offset is appropriate)
- Board oppBoard =new Board (with whatever offset is appropriate)
- maybe a textfield to show information
- boolean opponentSet=false; //this will keep track if you have received a board yet.
- String gameStatus which is:
code |
"setup" |
only until all boats have been placed |
"set" |
if all boats have been placed, but you are waiting for the opponent to setup |
"usersTurn" |
"oppTurn" |
"over" |
- init
- do usual stuff
- initialize all your ships in fleet
- paint //you can but dont have to use bufferGraphics
- will paint buttons
- have userBoard and oppBoard draw itself
- keyPressed will rotate the ship. Maybe have it show up in the textfield of which way the boat is going?
- mousePressed
- if (gameStatus.equals("setup"))
- try to place a boat -> remember setShip either returns true or false
- if successful, increment which boat you are on (currentShip)
- if you have placed all of your boats then:
- send your board to the opponent ( connection.sendObject(userBoard);
- if opponentSet is true (meaning you already have their board), well then game on,
- tell user and gameStatus="oppTurn";
- if opponentSet is false, well you need to wait,
- tell user and gameStatus="set";
- repaint();
- if (gameStatus.equals("usersTurn"))
- get the Location on the grid that matches the x,y
- try to drop a bomb at that location -> remember what dropBomb returns
- if that dropBomb is invalid
- otherwise bomb is valid:
- tell user what dropBomb told you
- send the location to the oppoent ( connection.sendObject(bombLocation);
- if game over
- tell user
- chage gameStatus="over"
- repaint();
- receiveUpdate (Object b) //this is the method that will get called if we receive something from the other client)
- if (opponentSet==false) //well then we must be receiving the board from them
- oppBoard.grid=((Board)(b)).grid; //this replaces the grid with what we received
- opponentSet=true;
- otherwise //then we are receiving locations of bombs
- Location bomb=(Location)b; //convert it to a location
- now call usersBoard droppping the bomb. remember dropBomb returns a message
- process that message (tell user outcome)
- if over ->tell user they lost
- else gameStatus ="usersTurn" //it had to have been oppTurn to have received a message, true?