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Array class HWJ16


Lets create a class called HWJ16. In it have an array called studentNames that will keep track of the names.

Have it initially have 3 names. Use this starter code.

Have the following methods:

public void enterName() - this will allow using the scanner class for people to enter names


public boolean findStudent(String theName) - this will allow return true or false of the name is in the array

public void printNames() - this will print out the names in the array

public void deleteName(String name) - that will delete the name if its in the list




Add these methods: - do all of them. Or all 5 if you have a 97 or higher.

public String findLongestName() - this will return the longest name in the array

public int findShortNames() that will return how many names are 7 letters or less

public void printReverse() -print them out in reverse order

public void insultE() that will print out all names that have an e and say how ugly they are

public int countLetters() that will return how many letters in total all of the names have


EC public void fixNames() that will fix every name in the list so that the first letter of the name is capital and rest not (ie Jeff Borland not jeff boRland)

EC public boolean noVowels() that will return true any names have no real vowels (like ty)