Class BorlandBase

 void clearScreen()
           clears any drawing on the screen
 void drawScreen()
 void drawImage(String filename, int x, int y)
           draws filename (which needs to be in your main folder at location x,y).
 void drawImageTemp(String filename, int x, int y)
           draws filename (which needs to be in your main folder at location x,y) on the TEMPORARY graphics layer
 void drawImage(String filename, int x, int y, double scale)
           draws filename (which needs to be in your main folder at location x,y) using scale where (1 is 100% and 1.5 would be 150% and so on).
 void echo(double s)
           just like System.out.println, but shorter to write
 void echo(int s)
           just like System.out.println, but shorter to write           
 void echo(String s)
           just like System.out.println, but shorter to write           
 int findRandom(int start, int end)
 java.awt.Color findRandomColor()


This returns the set layer to draw on



This returns the temporary layer to draw on, always blank

void loopMP3(String filename)
           will play a mp3 file on a loop
void pause(int milliSeconds)
           pauses animation for certain number of milliseconds
void playSound(String filename)
           will play a .wav .au file located in your home directory
void playMP3(String filename)
           will play a mp3 file
 void saveImage(int x, int y, int width, int height)
         saves the image to the main directory named- date time.png
 void saveImage(int x, int y, int width, int height,File file)
         saves the image to the file specified
 void setBackgroundColor(java.awt.Color c)
sets background color     use like setBackgroundColor( or setBackgroundColor(new Color (204,100,50));      
 void setBackgroundImage(java.lang.String filename)
           set background image
 void setBackgroundImage(java.lang.String filename, double scale)
           set background image using scale where (1 is 100% and 1.5 would be 150% and so on).
 void setBackgroundImage(java.lang.String filename,int x,int y)
           set background image
 void setFullScreen()
          If you want it to be near fullscreen
 void setHeight(int h)
          Set the height of the program - 500 by default
 void setWidth(int w)
          Set the width of the program - 500 by default
 void start()
          This method is called to start the animation (called automatically to begin
 void stop()
          This method is called to stop the animation
void stopMP3()
           will attempt to stop playing the currently playing MP3 file
 void update(Graphics g)
          This method is called each frame with the temporary graphics layer g

Additional methods (less called or setup automatically from GUI Builder) are below:

 void addItem(java.awt.Component c)
           adds an item to the screen
 void addItem(Jpanel panel, java.awt.Component c)
           adds an item to the panel
 void buttonPressed(java.awt.Component source)
           if a button is pressed this happens
 void keyPressed(java.awt.event.KeyEvent e)
           if a key is pressed
 void keyReleased(java.awt.event.KeyEvent e)
 void mouseClicked(java.awt.event.MouseEvent e)
 void mouseDragged(java.awt.event.MouseEvent e)
 void mouseMoved(java.awt.event.MouseEvent e)
 void mousePressed(java.awt.event.MouseEvent e)
 void mouseReleased(java.awt.event.MouseEvent e)
 double readDouble()
           uses scanner to read
 int readInt()
           uses scanner to read           
 java.lang.String readString()
           uses scanner to read           

setScreenLayout(Layout l)
           set screen layout - generally to null to use absolute positioning (after that set your components with textField.setBounds(x,y,width,height)