You are going to make a very simple version of frogger. See here. (here are past versions v1, v2, v3 )
Start with this project and open it up.
There are 4 classes in the zip:
- Bar which is the class for the bars that go back and forth. Look at the notes in that file. You have methods that must finish of that class.
- BarTester which allows you to test the Bar class. It is just for practice purposes.
- Frogger - In this class you will have an array of at least 5 bars and create one frog. Call move, draw, isCollision for each bar. I already put in code for the keys in for frog.
- Frog that has some basic methods like moving and drawing but w/ no code.
Implementation notes:
- Get bar working. Run using bar tester.
- Have it move left and right
- Have it have a direction that it picks randomly (so it will initially go left or right)
- Random color ? (not necessary, might be nice)
- In BarTester, get multiple bars working. USE AN ARRAY. Have atleast 8 of them. The only difference will be there y location.
- Get the frog moving around the screen.
- Bring the bars from BarTester in to Frogger
Due: Tuesday 12/19
Rubric 20 points:
- Indented (1)
- Variables are named appropriately (1)
- Bar Class is correct (5 points)
- Constructor initalizes a bar with randomX, randomColor, random speed, random direction (.5 each)
- Bars moves correctly (1)
- Bars is drawn correctly (1)
- Collision is detected correctly (1 point)
- Frogger Class makes game happen
(6 points)
- Initializes at least 5 bars (1 point)
- Moves and draws bars (1 point)
- Moves and draw frog (1 point)
- Looks for collision each time (1 point)
- Game stops on collision (1 point)
- Frog Class (4 points)
- moves frog in appropriate direction (2 point)
- keeps frog in bounds (1 point)
- draws frog (1 points)
- Score is kept (each time they make it through, score increases) (2 points)
- Difficulty increases in some way (maybe faster bars, more bars, etc) (1 point)
Advanced people must have this:
I really want good game play to be your goal.
Rubric for those advanced people
Good game play (1 points)
At least one of the following: (1 points)
- Reset button
- Logs
- Other things
To add a reset button - look at the gui page