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Dice Project


Start with the Gui Bulider and create a gui with at least 3 text fields and a box rename it Proj_Dice


Basic Version:

The rules of our game is if they get doubles (like 1,1 or 2,2, etc), or they get a total of 7 (like 6 and 1) or 11, then they win, otherwise the lose.


The way the game proceeds:

  • Where they will start with 500 and they can bet whatever they want (in the bet field).
  • When they hit roll button, the result will show what they rolled.
  • After it shows what they got, it says if they lost or won, the money will either go up or down the amount they bet.

Advanced - if you want a more interesting game - follow the rules for craps here






Advanced students, play craps (see here) have it draw the roll or show the image of the dice. This is challenging, your code will look a bit like below:

  if (source==roll)
            //all your code about rolling
            Graphics g=getGraphics(); //to draw we need the graphics 
            //lets draw the first die
            g.drawRect(45,45,60,60); //draw a square face
            if (dice1==1)
                g.drawOval(50,50,4,4); //draw one dot for the circle

Make some fields uneditable. (bmiTextField.setEditable(false);

More options, use textarea to have a running of the game.

To pause execution (like animation): Put below in your code (all of it)

  catch(InterruptedException ie){}




14 Point Rubric

  • Variables named appropriately - 1 point
  • Indented properly - 1 point
  • GUI setup correctly (all nec fields and labels and button included) - 2 points
  • Money starts with 500 and is uneditable - 1 point
  • Fields that should be uneditable are - 1 point
  • Button is listened to - 1 point
  • When rolled a random roll appears - 2 points
  • Win or lose determined correctly - 1 point
  • If win or lose money updated correctly - 2 points
  • Out of money refuses to let user play more - 1 point
  • Refuse to let user bet more than they have or 0 or neg - 1 point

Advanced Rubric - Advanced students need to have at least 2 points:

  • Graphics of some kind show roll - 2 point
  • Made the game craps instead- 2 point
  • Sound - 1 point
  • Some other feature - 1 point