Programming activity:
mistakes m0,m1,m2,g1,g2
You are going to create a program that is going to use the scanner
class to read in a data file
(which must be in the same directory as your project (not the src) with student
answers on it.
Start with the code below:
- Create a method called numWrong that will take in an argument
of the questionNumber and return how many students got it wrong.
- Create another method called printTable that will print out
a table (with nice formating (use /t for tab)) of the question
number and how many students got wrong. Use your previous method
above and a for loop.
- EXTRA CREDIT create a method public void int numSelected (int questionNumber, int selection) that will return how many students selected that answer for that question. So if they put in numSelected(1,1) it would return 0 (no students choose 1 for question 1. Now put that method into the table.
question# #wrong precent
========= ======= =======
1 2 12%
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Test1Analyze
Scanner scan;
String correctAnswers="44552123132225254334542442321141";
* The constructor below will automatically read in the file.
public Test1Analyze()
scan=new Scanner (new File("test1Answers.txt"));
catch (IOException e)
* This method will take in an argument of the questionNumber and return how many students got it wrong.
public int numWrong(int questionNumber)
scan.reset(); //this method will reset the scanner;
while (scan.hasNext())
String gradeLine=scan.nextLine();
return 5; //this should return number wrong
* This method will print out a table with each question and the number that the class got wrong
public void printTable()
public static void main(String[] args) {
Test1Analyze t = new Test1Analyze();
Rubric 8 points total:
- 3 points method numWrong
- finds the correct answer (1)
- searchs for and counts the number wrong correctly (2)
- 3 points method printTables
- goes through every question finding num wrong for each (1)
- finds percent correctly (1)
- looks good (tabbed nicely) (1)
- 1 point commenting
- 1 point indentation and variable names
To read, use
while (scan.hasNext())
String line=scan.nextLine();