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Math projects:


In a class called MathProjects


1. Create a method called void thirdRoot (double x) that will print out the 3rd root of a number


2. Using random, write a method randomHeight that will print a a random height for a man between 5'2 and 6'4. (all equally likely)


3. Create a method called int yearsFromMyAge(int theirAge) that when given the user's age it will return how many years they are from your age. Use MATH.abs


4.Create a method that will public double findWeight(int currentHeight, int currentWeight, int otherHeight) that will find how much the person would weigh if they were in the same proportion but of a different height. The formula is otherWeight equals otherHeight divided by currentHeight all to the 3rd power, times currentWeight.


EC 5. Create a method public double findThirdSide(double a, double b, double C), given two sides and included angle, find and return the third side. Link


EC 6.: Create a method void dueDate(int month, int day, int year) that will calculate a baby's due date based on their date of conception. A child is born 40 weeks from conception.


public class MathProjects
    public void thirdRoot (double x)

    public void randomHeight ()

    public int yearsFromMyAge(int theirAge)
        return 0;

    public double findWeight(int currentHeight, int currentWeight, int otherHeight) 
        return 0;

    public static void main (String[] args)
        MathProjects m = new MathProjects();
        System.out.println("You are " + m.yearsFromMyAge(37) + " years different then me");
        System.out.println("You would weigh " + m.findWeight(75,175, 65)+ " pounds.");
