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Activity#1 - Primitive Data Exploration


In a class called PrimitiveData:

  1. We will practice addition together
  2. We will practice input together
  3. Again, practicing returns together
  4. Now on your own. Create a program - findMiddle that will take in two ints (a,b) and print their middle. So if they put in 5,10 it should print out 7.5
  5. Gas is $2.69 a gallon, if you buy gallons of gas, have it return how many dollars you need. So if they put in 2, it should return 6
  6. Find variance will print out the variance which is the square of x, plus the square of y
  7. findNearestFive which will return the nearest five, so if they put 62, it would return 60.
  8. Program the method called divisibleByFive that will take in a number and if it is evenly divisible by 5 it will return true, otherwise it will return false. (if you have forgot methods) (if you have forgotten if statements

Advanced below:

  1. Program the method printRows() that will print out the numbers from 1 to 100 with 10 numbers on each line(for loops)
  2. Program the method printRows(int begin, int end, int numEachRow) that will print out the numbers from begin to end with numEachRow on each line.
  3. Create a method called find least number of coins that will take as a parameter a number of cents (like 73) and it will print out "The least number of coins possible is 2 quarters, 2 dimes and 3 pennies". The header will be:
    • public void leastNumOfCoins(int cents).
  4. ADV: Create a method called isSelfDivisor that given a 3 digit number, it will return true if every number in it goes evenly in the number, or false other wise. For example 122 is a self divisor (1 and 2 both evenly go in). Or 128 is a selfDivisor. If it has a 0 in it (ie 505), it is NOT a selfDivisor. Extra credit - heres the ap version (question 1)
    • public void isSelfDivisor(int x)
  5. ADV: Create a method public void findMagicNumber() that satisfies this puzzle.

Start with the code below:

Create a new class in bluej and replace the code with the following:

 * This class is to test primitive data structures

public class PrimitiveDataExamples
	 * Use this to test simple addition of ints and print the result
	public void testAdditionTogether()
		//your code here
		System.out.println("here it is " + 3);

	public void testInputTogether (int a, int b)
		//your code here
		System.out.println("here it is " + 3);

	public int testReturns (int x)
		return 0;

	public void findMiddle (int a, int b)


	public int findHowManyDollars (double gallons)
		return 0;

	public void findVariance (double x, double y)


	public int findNearestFive(int x)
		return 0;

	 * Use this to test if a number is evenly divisible by 5
	 * @param x    the number to test if it is divisible
	 * @return     true if it is divisible by 5, false otherwise
	public boolean divisibleByFive(int x)
		//your code here (currently it returns true)
		return true;

	 * Prints out numbers from 1-100 with 10 numbers on each line
	public void printRows()
		//your code here


	 * Prints out numbers from begin-end with numEachRow numbers on each line
	 * @param begin        the number to begin at
	 * @param end          the number to end at
	 * @param numEachRow   the number of numbers on each row.
	public void printRows(int begin, int end, int numEachRow)
		//your code here


	 * Prints out the least number of coins that it would take to make cents
	 * @param cents   the number of cents
	public void leastNumOfCoins(int cents)
		//your code here


	 * given a 3 digit number, it will return true if every number in it goes evenly in the number, or false other wise.
	 * For example 122 is a self divisor (1 and 2 both evenly go in). Or 128 is a selfDivisor.                   If it has a 0 in it (ie 505), it is NOT a selfDivisor.
	 * @param x   the number
	public boolean isSelfDivisor(int x)
		//your code here (currently it returns true)
		return true;

	 * given any digit number, it will return true if every number in it goes evenly in the number, or false other wise.
	 * For example 122 is a self divisor (1 and 2 both evenly go in). Or 128 is a selfDivisor.                   If it has a 0 in it (ie 505), it is NOT a selfDivisor.
	 * @param x   the number (which has any number of digits)
	public boolean APisSelfDivisor(int x)
		//your code here (currently it returns true)
		return true;

	//main method for Eclipse
	public static void main(String[] args)
		PrimitiveDataExamples p=new PrimitiveDataExamples();
//		p.testInputTogether(5, 10);
//		System.out.println("TestReturns gives back " + p.testReturns(4));
//		p.findMiddle(5, 10);
//		System.out.println("Dollars needs for gas " + p.findHowManyDollars(12.5));
//		p.findVariance(14, 20);
//		System.out.println("The nearest five is " + p.findNearestFive(22));
//		System.out.println("Divisible by 5 returns " + p.divisibleByFive(34));
//		p.printRows();
//		p.printRows(20,40,5);
//		p.leastNumOfCoins(73);
//		System.out.println("Is self divisor returns " + p.isSelfDivisor(122));

