notes intro/old projects AP Problems the dump links

Password search


Start with this zip. Do not use the code at the bottom.

For every method, start the method with a call to startClock() and finish with stopClock()


  • public boolean findSalary(int salary) that will return true if salary is located or false if is not there
  • public boolean findSalary(int[] salariesToCheck) that will print out all salariesToCheck of array in it and return true if any of the salaries are in it
    • to test say .
    • ArrayActivities a = new ArrayActivities();
      int[] sal={2342333,3089780,3987232,3423223,2345333,

Now, lets first sort the array, for now there is a static method that you can use:

Arrays.sort(allSalary); After you sort, I want you to write a method:

  • public boolean findFast(int salary) that will print out the salary if its found and then return true;
  • public boolean findFast(int[] salariesToCheck) that will print out all the the salary it finds and then return true;
    • to test say .
    • ArrayActivities a = new ArrayActivities();
      int[] sal={2342333,3089780,3987232,3423223,2345333,

Now the passwords, here are the sorted and unsorted lists. Write these methods.:

  • public int findHowMany (String yourPassword) that will return how many of the list are yourPassword
  • public String[] findTop(int howMany) this will return an array of the all passwords that have been used howMany times
  • public void findAllDerivatives(String word) that will print all the passwords that contain word and how many of each there are. So if they put hello; it might say helloDude - 4 and so on.

Start with the code below:

 * This class will be used to work with searching salaries
 * @author Jeff Borland(change)
 * @date 3-26-06
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class ArrayActivities
	private String[] allPasswords = new String[200000];

	 * The constructor below will automatically read in all of the passwords
	public ArrayActivities() 
		Scanner scan = null;
		//To reset your scanner:
			scan=new Scanner(new File("outSorted.txt"));
		catch (IOException e){}
		int i=0;
		while (scan.hasNext() && i<200000)
			String theLine=scan.nextLine(); //This reads in the next password                                       

	public int find(String x)
		for (int i=0;iallPasswords[middle])
			//	return middle;
		return -1;

	public int findHowMany (String yourPassword)
		return 0;

	public String[] findTop(int howMany)
		return new String[5];

	public void findAllDerivatives(String word)


	public static void main(String[] args) {
		ArrayActivities a=new ArrayActivities();
		System.out.println("dude00 has been used "+a.findHowMany("dude00"));
		System.out.println("Listing all passwords that have been used atleast 100 times:");
		for (String pw:a.findTop(100))
			System.out.println(pw + " - "+a.findHowMany(pw)+"times");	




 * This class will be used to work with searching salaries
 * @author Jeff Borland(change)
 * @date 3-26-06
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class StringArraySearch
   String[] allPasswords = new String [200000];
   Scanner scan;  
   private long start;
   private long finish;   
     * The constructor below will automatically read in all of the Baseball player salaries
    public StringArraySearch() 
        reset(); //resets the scanner to the beginning of the file
        int i=0;
        while (scan.hasNext() && i<200000)
            String theLine=scan.nextLine(); //This reads in the next player line
            if (i%1000==0)
    public void startClock()
        start = System.currentTimeMillis();   
    public void stopClock()
        finish= System.currentTimeMillis();   
        System.out.println( "This operation took " + (finish-start) + " milliseconds.");

    //Conrad cleverly put this code in a method so that we can reset quickly.
    //He also appropriately made it private
    private void reset()
        //To reset your scanner:
            scan=new Scanner(new File("smallerPasswords.txt"));
        catch (IOException e){}
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    	StringArraySearch a=new StringArraySearch();